Ghana isn’t one of those places you can wake up and visit on a whim. I quickly learned it takes quite a bit of planning and additional expenses I didn’t initially factor here. Here’s all you need to know to prepare for your own trip to Ghana.
Read MoreOKC For The Weekend
Oklahoma City: If you’re considering a trip up i35 to OKC here are a few places I visited during a recent trip.
Read MoreAC Hotel Dallas
The AC Hotel is one of Dallas newest accommodations conveniently nestled in the heart of Downtown Dallas.
Read MoreAustin for the Weekend
My weekend trip to Austin. The activities, food and room.
Read MoreThis is an old picture of Sharde and I in Punta Cana. One of my favorite trips.
Summer Bucket List: Road Trip
My good friend Sharde invited me to come with her on a road trip to the ATL to visit her family. We took a detour through NOLA along the way, and I was able to mark taking a road trip off of my summer bucket list. Here's a little snippet of how the trip went.
Read MoreJamaica? Yeh Man!
Jamaica is a beautiful place full of great food and rich culture. Read about my experience at the Royalton White Sands and excursions to the Bob Marley Museum and Dunn's River Falls.
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